Want to know the best tips for clear skin naturally? These are the tried and true tips for clear skin you should know about.
Trying to improve your skin can be daunting when you don’t know where to start. Especially since some skincare products or trends can make or break your skin.
As someone who has struggled with my skin and the lack of confidence that can come with not having it look the best, I created this list of tips for clear skin naturally that have actually worked for me.
You are going to learn all about the dos and don’ts in skincare that should help navigate the sometimes confusing territory. These are simple tips for clear skin that you can easily implement into your daily routine.
This post is all about tips for clear skin naturally.
Best Tips for Clear Skin Naturally:
1) Avoid Touching Your Face
This one can be hard to help since it’s pretty easy to lean your head on your hand, ease an itch, etc. To improve your skin, it’s important to keep your hands off of your face, especially in public areas.
Bacteria can travel from surfaces you touch to your skin if you’re not cautious. However, if you can avoid touching your face, then it’s less likely that bacteria will make their way onto your skin and disrupt your skincare goals.
Ways to help you avoid touching your face:
- moisturize your skin to avoid itchiness
- keep your hair off of your face
- make sure your hands are busy
- be mindful and aware
2) Change Your Pillowcase Often
Let’s say you’ve been using the same pillowcase every night for a long period of time. Maybe your hair touches the pillowcase as well as sweat from sleeping. Let’s say bacteria from wherever makes its way onto your case, and maybe even drool (I DON’T KNOW). You get the idea. It’s usually overlooked and forgotten to change your case, but think about how much unwanted stuff can get on it over time.
If you’re anything like me and don’t want to constantly do the laundry just to clean your pillowcase, or if you simply can’t be bothered (no shame), I get it. I would suggest buying a pillowcase that comes in a pack of 2, or maybe even 3. This way, you can easily switch them out.
I use satin pillowcases, plus any spare ones I have at home. I like satin because it’s gentler on skin and hair.
Whatever works, go for that. The main thing to remember here is that you need to change your pillowcase at least once a week or biweekly.
3) Clean Your Makeup Brushes
This might be an obvious one if you’ve been doing your makeup for a while, but I didn’t even think to do this for the longest time. Since I barely use makeup, I didn’t think it was necessary. Don’t be fooled by that.
Over time, your makeup products will build up on the brushes, which can lead to breakouts on your skin. So, even if you’re a beginner with makeup or you’re a pro, you need to be cleaning your makeup brushes at least once a week. You don’t want to ruin your skin when it can easily be avoided.
If you don’t know how to clean your makeup brushes, don’t worry. It’s very simple.
Here are the steps:
- Rinse your brushes in lukewarm water.
- Use a brush cleaner or gentle soap
- Make sure you wet and clean brushes upside down
- Clean until makeup residue is out of the brushes
- Let your brushes air dry
I actually prefer to use my facial cleanser to clean my makeup brushes. If you think about it, the cleanser is gentle enough to be used on your face, so it can be used to clean the brushes as well.
4) Drink Water
Go ahead, roll your eyes. I probably would have done the same. This is an annoying tip you probably hear all the time, but I figured I’d add it because it does play a role in clear skin.
When I was at the beginning of my skincare journey, I would see this all the time. I drank water, but not that often, so I decided to change my habits because I really wanted my skin to improve. I began to drink water and take it seriously. Since my skin did start to clear up around this time, I think it counts for something.
Now, I’m not trying to say that your skin will clear up JUST by drinking water. If only it were that easy. 😅
Just give drinking more water an honest try, even if you constantly roll your eyes at the idea. To make it easier for you to get in the habit, I’d suggest buying or using a reusable water bottle you already have. Also, it helps to carry the bottle with you throughout the day. If it’s always around you, you’re more likely to drink from it.
5) Let Your Face Air Dry
This might be obvious, but I don’t know one other person who lets their face dry after cleansing. Usually, they’ll use the same bath towel to dry their face as well as their body. Personally, I would not recommend doing this.
At the very least, you should have a separate towel for drying your face. However, I have found that simply letting your face air dry for a few minutes will gradually improve your skin.
It’s the same idea here as it is with the pillowcase. I know it can be strange and frustrating at first, depending on how much of a rush you’re in. I’ll give you this pass: You can dry your eyebrow hair with a towel since that does take a while to dry.
6) Exfoliate
I could go on and on about how important this is. Whether you prefer to use physical or chemical exfoliants, you need to be exfoliating your skin.
At first, I used physical exfoliators because I didn’t know anything about chemical ones. That’s okay. In fact, it was probably for the best because over-exfoliating can do more harm than good by damaging your skin barrier.
7) Keep Your Hair Off Your Face
This is pretty self-explanatory; you basically don’t want your hair to be touching your skin. At least, not all of the time. Try to style your hair in a way that compliments you, of course, but also helps your skin. You don’t want the product from your hair to constantly be on your skin, especially if your hair tends to become oily quickly.
Some of my favorite ways to keep my hair off of my face are to tuck it behind my ears, put it into a low or high bun, or use a stylish hair claw.
8) Eat More Natural Foods
It’s true when they say you are what you eat. Try to eat more natural foods and fewer processed foods. If you’re constantly eating junk food, your body won’t take to it very well, and that will reflect on your skin.
Now, I’m not saying you need to completely change your diet if you want clear skin naturally. However, you should be more mindful about which foods you’re choosing to put into your body. You don’t need to become vegan or even vegetarian to improve your skin. If it’s any help, I’d suggest slowly incorporating more natural options to your favorite foods and eating more fruits and veggies.
9) Treat Your Skin Overnight
Treating your skin overnight could be a part of your skincare routine that is overlooked. Just as it’s important to treat your skin during the day, it can be beneficial to do the same at night.
You could do an overnight facial mask or apply some kind of serum that is specifically for nighttime use. This way, you can take advantage of every point in the day to help clear your skin!
10) Keep a Consistent Routine
With all this being said, you should keep a consistent skincare routine. Consistency is key for a lot of parts of life, and skincare is no different.
Even if you are drinking water and eating more natural foods, you’re not touching your face as much, etc; without a routine, these tips won’t be as effective. Getting into and keeping a routine is something your skin will thank you for in the long run.
11) Be Patient
Finally, be patient! I’m sorry to say it, but your skin will not drastically change overnight and probably not even in a week. Improving your skin naturally is a long process, so be patient with yourself and, most of all, your skin.
Do not cut corners!! If you buy a bunch of products hoping they’ll magically turn your skin around, it might do more harm than good. All those products may not mesh well with your skin type.
It’s just best to be careful and patient.
This post was all about tips for clear skin naturally.